LeadAx Dream Team: On Values, Quality, and Your Ticket In

We know a lot about affiliate marketing. How to work with an account, choose the best offers, what’s the difference between tier 1 and tier 2 geos, where to invest, and what margins to aim for. But when it comes to *how* affiliate marketers work, especially in big teams, they’re not very keen on sharing their “secrets”.
But here at LeadAx Group, we’ve got something to share: because really, we’re not that different from any other remote team, with our memes in Slack and fancy coffee cups.
With this article, we’re attempting to shed some light on how the team works on an everyday basis, what our values are, and the kind of people we’re looking for 👀
First up, we’ve had a word with our hiring manager and got the portrait of the ideal LeadAx Group player. And we’ve saved the best for last: a Q&A with three of our awesome team players, because who doesn’t love a good old Q&A session?
Q: What are your expectations from future team members?
We expect them to want to make money 🙂 It’s important that people are willing to work towards results and have a creative approach to problem-solving. We’re ready to provide employees with any tools and resources that will help them do their job well. The company’s reputation in the market is very important to us, so we expect progressive individuals to join the team.
Q: What skills and qualities should candidates have?
The most important thing for people we’re willing to share workspace and work accounts with is flexibility and the ability to adapt to the market situation. Not just sitting around waiting for a free lunch or a raise, but being proactive and working towards our goals.
Q: What does the company offer to help employees grow?
It’s super important for us that people feel valued and supported. And we’re committed to creating a space where each of our team members can grow and develop alongside the company. Our project keeps growing fast, and we’re not just looking for people; we’re looking for talents who want to be part of this journey.
In our company, there are no limits for those who are ready to work, learn, and grow, even if they come to us as affiliates or buyers. Our team members attend international conferences, and work on networking. And we’re ready to support them each step of the way.
Q: How many people are on the team? How long does the average person stay with the company?
We have about 50 team members, and the average time working here is around three years. The working conditions, the atmosphere, and the office vibes are what keep everyone sticking around!
Q: How hard is it to join your team? How often do you have job openings and how many interview stages are there?
As we’ve just said, we’re not just looking for 9-to-5 employees; we’re building a team that works together towards common goals. We don’t have job openings and a full-time HR manager because most of our team consists of professionals who didn’t just apply for jobs but recommended LeadAx to their friends and former coworkers.
Everyone can feel like a part of our big family. We raise the bar for quality without mass hiring; instead, we’re most focused on attracting and developing the best experts.
Q: How are you guys different from all the other affiliate teams? What’s the best thing about working at LeadAx Group?
We’re different because we don’t set terms; we offer comfy and financially rewarding teamwork. It’s like a two-way street.
(1) Your work journey at LeadAx began with…
I’ve been with LeadAx for almost two years now. It was my friend who brought me here and introduced me to this team. At first, I felt a bit unsure ’cause I didn’t have that much experience back then, working in a team wasn’t something I was used to. But those doubts faded out real quick. I’ve learned a ton and now hold an important position within the company.
(2) Give a bit of advice for future candidates:
Don’t be afraid to try out new things; standing still is the worst. Stay interested and persistent ’cause without that, you won’t get anywhere close to success and reaching your goal. Stay open — open to people, to new information, and knowledge. Because everyone in the company, in your team, those around you, they’re all parts of a big machine. People around you are always ready to help.
(3) A great team for you is…
For me, it’s about ease and understanding. When you’re on the same page with people, work is interesting and intriguing. The trick is to come to work with a smile on your face.
(4) Did anything really surprise you while working in traffic arbitrage?
This job has given me a lot (confidence, knowledge, experience, a desire to learn, and above all, development). Can I say this place is perfect for me? Absolutely. I’ve met great people, my friends, I’m a part of an experienced team, and most importantly — confidence.
Confidence that I can achieve something greater, which I consider an integral factor.
(5) What’s your idea of the perfect work environment, and does the team you’re in right now match up to it?
For me, the ideal work environment is the place and the team I’m currently working with 🙂
(1) Your journey at LeadAx began with…
1. My story at LeadAx started when I got a job at another company and bumped into an old friend there. He suggested I give traffic arbitrage a shot, and here I am.
(2) Got anything to say to future candidates?
2. Be open to new ideas and opportunities, work on your professional growth, and always be ready to change and challenge yourself.
(3) A great team is a team that…
3. …shows support, is open to ideas and constructive cooperation, and knows how to inject humor into work.
(4) Was anything in the traffic arbitrage field shocking for you to learn?
4. I was really surprised by the size of the community, so yeah, I do enjoy meetings and networks.
(5) What’s your idea of the perfect work setup, and does the team you’re in right now match up to it?
5. The ideal work environment for me is a team where there’s mutual respect, opportunities for growth, and support. The team must be focused on common goals, has the ability to resolve conflicts constructively, and supports each other.
(1) Your journey at LeadAx began with…
1. My work journey started with an internship as an affiliate manager but in the buying department! It turned out to be the smartest and most successful decision because I got a unique opportunity to dive deep into the process and learn all the ins and outs of making our product.
(2) Any advice for future candidates?
Don’t be afraid of new tasks and challenges.
Look for and carve out your own sales style.
Blend into the team but be yourself.
(3) A great team for you is…
3. For me, it’s when everyone is free to create, suggest, and consider new ideas and just feel like they belong.
(4) Was there something that shocked you in the traffic arbitrage field?
4. I was surprised by how friendly and creative our community is. You’ll never feel bored, even when you’re just restocking staplers and pens in the office 🙂
(5) What’s your ideal work environment? Does your setup now meet your expectations?
5. The ideal work environment combines a workspace with areas for breaks, recharging, and inspiration. If you’re a sales guru and want a soft pink bean chair instead of a regular work chair, they’ll always hook you up!